Friday, June 29, 2007


Break the chains that bind us - My oldest son took his first pedal strokes without training wheels the other day. It was, for me, and for him liberating.

Lean into the turns.......ramble through the dirt. Crash, breath, laugh.......feel the wind in your face ....... smile as you keeping turning them over and over.

I have to was....a glorious moment.

"Do you want to take them off?".......Pause....think......Yeah!!!! Out comes the wrench, hand in the back pocket waiting in anticipation. Screaming ...come on Finn!!!....use me!!....break those chains.....lets fly.

Ok.....Now.....just pedal.....with the push of my hand firmly on his seat, away he went..... riding...little legs spinning in a blur, around the corner and gone.....into the rest of his life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like this. I just figured it out. Its a way to practice your creative writing under the guise of constructive family memories.

Anyway, keep it up. I am setting mine up this weekend.

Do I need to set up a Google Account for you to respond or can you respond directly to my email or what?