Friday, September 12, 2008


So, Lance is coming back.

Barf, hack, wretch...

That is the sound of me losing my lunch.

Just when things were getting good. Now we get to hear a whole bunch about him and not enough about all the other great, up and coming riders. Now I will have to answer a million questions about Lanc's comeback at work. Yeah, Excitement.

I think I just saw Levi jump off the Golden Gate Bridge.


Anonymous said...

Ain't it the freakin truth

Kim Becker said...

Poor Contador. Now he may have to share the top spot with Lance... I say Astana should let him come back as a domestique.

GK said...

Hey Tim!!!! I'm trying to get in touch with you guys. I miss you!!! It sounds like you've had a lot going on with a new house and major work. I missed Trac when she was in town, I wasn't. Please have her call me so I know how to find you!!! Hope all is well. Love you both! Kir